Monday, May 11, 2015

Blog speech

Michael Dowdell
Have you ever wondered what does it take to be a good team owner in the NFL? In the NFL it takes hard work. At first I was quite confused about this project. I myself learned a lot this year. I even learned how to multitask better and patience through finding research. Through the way, I had some challenges. Some roadblocks I had were not getting enough resources. While doing this project, I realized how determined you have to be to do this. I didn’t have as much fun as I thought I’d have, because most of it was just typing and researching. A few times, I wanted to change my project, but I stuck with it. Sticking with something is a great value I learned this year. Whenever I hit a roadblock, I tried my best to just go on. Though I had some failures, I had successes too. Like, keeping up with my blog, and becoming more interested in the NFL. I leanred a lot about the NFL during this project. I learned about salary caps, free agency and trading . This project involved a lot of math. This project made me more interested in wanting to coach football. But If I do think if I did this again, it could be 10 times better. I had a nice time doing this project

Friday, May 1, 2015

Last post

Well, this year in 20% time has been great. I found out, I'm not cut at all to be in the NFL. Well not most of us are. I'd say I accomplished my goal, but jsut really didnt have the fun I thought i would.  I hope you all enjoyed, and I plan on making another.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Postseason Drama. Part 3.

 The conclusion to this postseason drama will end with me talking about the fans, and the city.
I wanna start off with an example. One of my friends named Alex is really upset about the fact that the Chicago Bears have recently traded Brandon Marshall. He is a franchise player, and he has been there for 3 seasons. I would be sad to, I mean he is a stud wide reciever, but thats beside the point. The point is that you almost MUST have to keep your  fans happy. I'm gonna bring it to the NBA. Kevin Durant has his own shoe deal, he's won a MVP, and he is still young. Imagine the OKC fans if he left, then if Russel Westbrook(his sidekick, who's also really good) left too. Well there goes about 1/5 of the fans. So yea, its not stats, its sports!

Postseason drama. Part 2

Earlier in my first postseason drama post, I stated things about what its like for the stresses for  players. Well now I will be talking about for coaches. Okay like I said earlier, "sometimes in the NFL, your contract expires, you get to old, your skills are lost," then finished up by saying " So what happens, you get cut." Well sometimes this is bad for a coach to. He has to decide if he wants to trade this player before their contract expires, thus getting something in return while losing this player. Now, trading is actually more than you think. You see if its worth it, if it clears the Salary Cap, are you getting the best for what your doing, if they agree to it, all that "Fun" stuff. And maybe the worst part is losing your best players.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Blog Project Proposal

          20% Time Project Proposal


Name: Michael Dowdell

Project Title: Owning a football team

Project Start Date: 10/7/14

Project Completion Date: 5/15/15

Mentor’s Name: Mrs. Browning

Brief Description: I will teach you the stresses and successes of owning a football team in the NFL


Overview of Project Proposal


1) Project Objective:

To teach people what the insight of coaching/ owning a NFL team is


2) Project Rationale:

I choose this because I really like football, and the mental part of it as well as the physical playing


3) Project Steps:

1. I will welcome to blog and give my insight I already have


2. I will research through my resources


3. I’ll post what I have learned


4) Timeline of Activities:

 Start: 10/7/14

End: 5/15/15


5) Available Human and Material Resources:

Library Wiki Google


6) Possible Road Blocks:

 Not enough reliable resources


7) Research Questions:

1. What is the hardest part of being a coach/owner?


2. What is the best part of being a coach/owner?


3.  Is the team they have bought worth it financially?


4. What do good coaches do that bad coaches don’t?


Keeping the job

   Keeping a job as a NFL owner or coach is very hard. Sometimes your team may go into a slump, even though last year you won a super bowl, and your job may be on the line next season as manager.  Its confusing sometimes. Some teams like change, and think its good, while others are scared of change, and some just have to.
   Maybe you took your team to the playoffs 14-2, lost in the second round, Well the teams that are not fond of change will almost 100% keep you there. Lets say you are 8-8 as a coach and dont make the playoffs. The teams that like change are gonna have a 50/50 maybe 60/40 chance of finding a new coach. Finally, lets say your team is 2-14. Thats the part where you just have to.

Postseason drama. Part 1

I'm finally back to posting, its been a while since i had my last post. So now I will tell you what I know and learned about the Drama of offseason. Okay so most of you most likely like football if you chose to read this, so you probably know about these "stresses" of keep franchise players. For college football fans, relate it to a Senior who was just great in his final year now going to draft because he has to. Well sometimes in the NFL, your contract expires, you get to old, your skills are lost, or you just simply cant get paid anymore. So what happens, you get cut. And these coaches have to go through hours and hours of paperwork, and its stressfull. I hope you have learned something. I will talk more about this next time